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12. METHYL-B12 (the fifth discover)

It’s an affine chemical substances group which contains cobalt and for this reason it’s called cobalamin.
The main kind of cobalamin are: methylcobalamin, hydrossic-cobalamin and desossiadenosilcobalamina.
The vitamin B12, even if it’s not synthesized from animal and plants, it’s present in meats, fishes, eggs, milk, dairy products, while it’s absent from the vegetal food.

The absorption of the vitamin B12 is made from the ileal intestine, after be tied to the intrinsic factor, glycoprotein, which is product from the mucous membrane of the stomach. From here it’s distributed through the blood to the organs; that one, which is not used, it’s stored in the liver, where it can stay until 4 years.

Therefore lack levels are slow to establish and they include:

  • anemia.
  • gastrointestinal symptoms are: diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pains, weight loss;
  • central nervous system troubles: tingling and sleep sensation of the extremities, walk trouble, irritability, spasms, depression, memory and concentration deficit, dementia, visual troubles, insomnia, impotence.

High dosage of B12 can favour the neuron regeneration, avoid the demielinization and favour the demielinization.
Myelin is a whitish myelin sheath which cover part of the neuron body allowing a faster transmission of the nervous impulses. In the multiple sclerosis the myelin is attacked and damaged from the immunitary system with the appearance of the typical patch lesions.
Therefore it’s used to prevent and treat the neurological troubles which are: Parkinson, Alzheimer, peripheral pathologies and multiple sclerosis.

Moreover the vitamin B12 operates in the homocistein conversion in methyonin.
High level of homocistein increase the probability to get cardio circulator pathology, because when homocistein is in excess, it operates as a nervous toxin and vascular. Where B12 deficit is present, there is a rise of the homocistein.
Finally the vitamin B12 participates in association with Folic Acid to the production of the DNA, so its lack determines a damage at DNA level.

Since the vitamin B12 participates to the mielinization process, it’s been hypothesize a disturb in the metabolism in patients who suffer of multiple sclerosis. With this purpose Dr. J. Neubrander studied and realized a MethylB12 formulation which is able to go through the hematoencephalic barrier and therefore going directly to the brain level, see 22.4 Other important references.

12.1 Methylcobalamin

There are several administration ways:

  • Oral: the administration can be low in case of inflammation at ileal level (where the vitamin is absorbed); in case of intestinal dysbiosis the microorganisms can compete with the guest organism to the administration of the B12; scarce availability of the intrinsic factor, glycoprotein is essential for the absorption of the B12 at ileal level.
  • Intranasal: really effective, because it’s next to the brain. It can produce abrupt peaks of B12 inner circle.
  • Intravenous: effective in order to solve a lack; it involves a fast and wide increase of B12 levels with a fast kidney expulsion.
  • Under skin (buttock): good way to administration because there is a slow and constant release in the vitamin B12 inside the buttock adipose tissue.

The doctor suggested me to get 2 sprays per nostril every other day of the MethyB12 spray. Since November 2008 I started get it.

  • The vitamin B12, even if it’s not synthesized from animal and plants, it’s present in meats, fishes, eggs, milk, dairy products, while it’s absent from the vegetal food.
  • The vitamin B12, which is not used, it’s stored in the liver, where it can stay until 4 years.
  • Therefore lack levels are slow to establish and they include: anaemia, gastrointestinal symptoms, for examples diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pains, weight loss; central nervous system troubles: tingling and sleep sensation of the extremities, walk trouble, irritability, spasms, depression, memory and concentration deficit, dementia, visual troubles, insomnia, impotence.
  • High dosage of B12 can favour the neuron regeneration, avoid the demielinization and favour the remielinization.
  • Dr. J. Neubrander studied and realized a MethylB12 formulation which is able to go through the hematoencephalic barrier and therefore going directly to the brain level.
  • There are several administration ways: oral, intranasal, intravenous, under skin, everyone with own different characteristic.
  • Since November 2008 I started get the MethyB12 spray.