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The doctors with classic background are convinced that this Glutathione allele lack or in general this enzyme lack is not the provoking reason of this disease. The reason is really simple. From their words, it’s proved that the 30% of the people has the same lack, therefore not being the 30% of people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, this cannot be the cause. Instead I think that this Glutathione lack and therefore the aluminium intoxication, is a necessary condition, that is all the people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis are so seriously intoxicated, as some scientific studies report Elevated urinary excretion of aluminium and iron in multiple sclerosis (see 22.4 Other important references) and all the exams to all people I know with this pathology, the famous environmental cause!

In addition I’d like to focus for a while your attention on another detail. It’s true that the 30% of people don’t suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, but the aluminium and all the intoxication of the other metals is really frequent and it’s the reason of many other pathologies.
Depending on the organ, which is hit from these metals, a pathology could evolve rather than another one. In order to generalize I can hypothesize that all the pathologies, which are actually cured by cortisone, have like a common factor this intoxication, necessary condition for all these diseases.

Riccardo and Elena are an example, a 30 years boy and a 59 women who I personally knew getting this therapy. When I told them I was writing this book they were immediately available to explain their experiences. Riccardo was suffering of Ulcerative Colitis, while Elena of MCS, Multiple Chemical Sensibility. These two pathologies are really different, but they have a characteristic in common: actually the cause is unknown and most of the time they are treated with the cortisone therapy.
When I met them, they were both in a seriously conditions, and they were both too scared, but now they have another characteristic in common: they are reborn, just like me!

  • The doctors with classic background are convinced that this Glutathione allele lack or in general this enzyme lack is not the provoking reason of this sick.
  • It’s proved that the 30% of the people has the same lack, therefore not being the 30% of people not suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, this cannot be the cause.
  • Instead I think that this Glutathione lack and therefore the aluminium intoxication, is a necessary condition, that is all the people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis are so seriously intoxicated, the famous environmental cause!
  • It’s true that the 30% of people don’t suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, but the aluminium and all the intoxications of the other metals is really frequent and it’s the reason of many other pathologies.
  • Depending on the organ, which is hit from these metals, a pathology could evolve rather than another one. In order to generalize I can hypothesize that all the pathologies, which are actually cured by cortisone, have like a common factor this intoxication, necessary condition for all these diseases.
  • Riccardo end Elena are an examples. Both of them reborn, now their stories in details.

Let’s read their stories.

14.1 Riccardo’s story (Ulcerative Colitis)

Hi everyone, I’m Riccardo and I’m 30.

In the summer 1999 I felt the first symptoms: diarrhoea with blood several times per day.

My family doctor thought it was a psychosomatic reaction due to too much stress gave from the previous relationship between me and my girlfriend, it just happened a couple weeks before. I got some fermenting milk, but the symptoms didn’t go away, on the contrary they increased their strength in frequency and in loss of blood. Therefore I went to a specialized doctor of the regional hospital in Torrette Ancona. Later a short speech, he told me to grow a pair and that I had to learn how to tell people to go screw themselves, in order not to keep anger inside me. Well, he also thought it was a psychology problem. He prescribed me colestiramina. After about a week the symptoms quickly disappeared and I was back to my normal life.

In July of the following year all started again. I got again the colestiramina, but this time without any result. In some days the colitis was so serious that it was impossible any social relationship (until 16 evacuation per day), so I had to stay all the time locked at home. I thought it was a psychosomatic reaction, so I tried to work on my mind in order to fight the anxiety. Nevertheless everything was useless and at the end of the summery I lost about twenty pounds.

In September I went again to the specialist. After another conversation he thought I had a gluten intolerance, so he prescribed me a diet for celiac (too expensive). I tried it for some months, but without any result, so I decided to go to another specialized doctor of another hospital. He submitted me a colon exam and he understood I was suffering from Ulcerative Colitis (UC), a disease I’ve never heard before. He explained me that the Ulcerative Colitis and the Chron diseases are the Intestine Chronicle Inflame Disease (IBD=Intestinal Bowel Disease). They are chronicle pathology, unknown cause, from which at the moment it’s not possible to recover. They can be only treat from the symptoms in order to keep them under control, but not completely eradicate from the body.

It was February, I was nearly in the acute phase from a lot of months. The doctor gave me the mesalazine pills and above all some cortisone pills (Delta Cortene). The symptoms almost magically disappear the morning after. In few hours I was back like before. I felt myself so well that I didn’t believe it, because besides the perfect regulation of my intestinal activity, my appetite was immediately back and I felt myself full of strength. After a couple of weeks I suspended the cortisone, while I continued to get indefinitely the mesalazine, as a maintenance therapy. In a few weeks I got back all the weight I lost previously. I didn’t feel any symptoms for four years, but it was predicted from the doctors, besides one day everything would be back. In fact in the summer of 2005 the symptoms suddenly appeared again and in a few days I was in the acute phase. I got cortisone again with the same dosage, but this time I had lower result. I suspended the cortisone therapy in September and I got chickenpox. It was a really bad and serious kind due to the immunosuppressive effect of the cortisone which was still in my body. I stayed so bad, but when I re-establish myself from the chickenpox even the colitis was gone, maybe because I had a so strong change in immunitary system. Nevertheless after a couple of months all was back.

Since then, searching through internet, I read for the first time something about the metals.

In particular on the website of AMICI Marche (Intestine Chronicle Inflame Disease Association www.amicimarche.org) an homeopathic doctor said that between the amalgams filling and some inflame diseases there was a correlation, among which the IBD (Intestinal Bowel Disease), Lipus, rheumatoid arthritis and so on. He talked about a Chron case that it was completely solved later on the removal of the amalgam fillings.

I was so interested in it, even because I was always more convinced that the “official” medicine didn’t really understand anything.

Therefore I decided to contact this homeopathic doctor. I must say that I’ve never had an amalgam filling, nevertheless he told me that on the base of these diseases there was a probable allergic reaction of my body to something inside me, to some “poisons”. For somebody could be the mercury which is inside the amalgam filling, while for somebody else could be something else. Later on a particular electronic exam he prescribed me a particular diet, which was focused on my body. Moreover he gave me some homeopath drugs.

I wasn’t convinced at all. I knew that the reason had to be something specific, as the mercury for example. It couldn’t be solved only with the nutrition.

In fact after some months with such diet I couldn’t see any result.

Therefore I went to the third specialized doctor and I had a new endoscope examination, which showed an high inflame activity in progress on a long line of my intestinal mucous membrane. Basically my colon was made of a lot of ulcers. Therefore the doctor prescribed me an high dosage of cortisone (this time Medrol) and, in some weeks, it went to remission. I knew that this “miracle” wasn’t a real miracle. It was just another treatment of my symptoms. The reason (unknown) of my disease was still there, in the shadow, not even skim over from cortisone or from mesalazine.

In the autumn 2006 the colitis came still back, in a light form. The doctor gave me a cure of cortisone on topical level. It came back to remission, but in January all was back.

I was becoming cortisone addicted, but as everyone knows the cortisone couldn’t be got indefinitely: it’s suitable only for the temporary treatment of the acute phases.

Therefore I came back from the first specialized doctor, that one who told me “tell people to go screw themselves” and the diet for celiac. Even this time he found an original idea in order to distinguish himself: he gave me some immunosuppressive drug (Azatioprina) without submit me any check in order to valuate if my body could tolerate it. After a couple of therapy months, as foreseen, the Azatioprina had effect and I came back to a complete remission. Nevertheless after few days I started feel strong dizziness and just going up the steps was sufficient to feel a strange buzz in my ears. In a few days I felt this buzz even only to the littler movement. It was sufficient raising on my feet that I felt my heart beating in my ears and in my head. I was so worried and I made some blood exams on my behalf. Result: my white cell was definitely killed to the lowest value and even the other pointers were so out of the range. While in the meanwhile this doctor was on vacation I talked with my family doctor. When he saw the exams he turned pale and ordered me to immediately interrupt such cure with Azatioprina, because I had a strong depression of my marrow. I did it and in a few weeks my health condition was quite completely re-established.

In the autumn 2007 the colitis came back.

I definitely dismissed that specialized doctor (near miss he killed me), I got again the cortisone under control of my family doctor. I immediately stayed better, but I knew that I had to think by myself if I wanted to find a result to this problem.

Since then I interrupted any other activities and I searched without any breaks through Internet. I went forum by forum, listening a lot of strange experiences. Then every time I had a trace to follow I used google and I made long researches about them.

In particular I was interested to the mercury and to someone who was cured from a inflame chronicle disease later a removal of the amalgam filling.
In that time I read that some people who had contemporary Ulcerative Colitis and Multiple Sclerosis. (DENTI TOSSICI 2 – Lorenzo Acerra).

Day by day I was always more convinced that on the base of the “wrong” immunity answers, connected to these different diseases, there was a common factor: the mercury. Therefore I focused my strength to look for information about the harmful metal and one day, with my big surprise, I knew from a long article, written by an environment association, that having amalgam filling in mouth wasn’t a necessary condition to be poisoned from mercury.

It’s sufficient that the mother had some amalgam fillings that the foetus inevitably absorbs high dosage of mercury (and my mother has always had several fillings, since the adolescence!)

I read that the key point wasn’t as much the assumption of this poison, but rather in the ratio absorption/expulsion. In fact a person could also have 10 amalgam fillings in mouth but has no pathologic symptom, if the speed of expulsion is of the same order of magnitude of the expulsion from his body.

Well, fillings or not, everyone is inevitably exposed to some dosage of mercury.
It’s sufficient eating tuna fish. Obviously the dose in play are too little, but day by day, year by year, if we don’t through them away we only accumulate it. The level of this toxic material inevitably rise in our body, until touching the threshold value. Surpassing this critical value, some symptoms appear, that is those we call diseases.

I also read about Glutathione and its importance in order to detox the body.

Moreover I found out that many people, who are UC suffers, became sick just the following day of a mercury poisoning. Someone even following an intravenously injection of mercury in order to suicide (DENTI TOSSICI 2 – Lorenzo Acerra ). The more interesting thing was that all these cases were just reported in some official report written by doctors.

Therefore I decided to submit myself to the hair exam.

Result: the major part of the metals were normal, except for the mercury.

Perfect! Now I had to eliminate this unwanted host from my body.

Then I kept going on looking for news about chelation, I run into a website where a doctor from Bologna, who is expert of the chelation therapy, explained how several diseases were correlated not only with the mercury, but also with other metals really common, first of all the aluminium (that what’s more it has the same effects of the mercury but comparing to it, the aluminium is so present in high quantity everywhere!!).

I fixed an appointment with this doctor and he clearly explained to me the only and real reliable exam in order to check the level of the intoxication from metals. It’s a urine sample after a chelation infusion, while all the other methods are ineffective exams, just for the nature of the metals, which in few hours from the intoxication are “tied” with the tissues, therefore hiding from the normal blood and urine exams. Even the hair exam in a lot of cases results ineffective, because a metal’s propriety is to change the capability to transit of several substances from one side to the other of the body.

I was always more convinced to attempt the right way.

This doctor gave me the email address of his patient who was Multiple Sclerosis sufferer that just to use his words “it’s like born again” passing in few time from the wheel chair to the parachute launch
He told me to get in touch with him without any problems, because he would have had a lot of other useful information.

In that time I met Matteo in person for the first time. I met a really positive person. He told me his personal story and he reassured me, according to him, I hit the goal. He also told me that his problem was not to much the mercury but rather the aluminium. Finally he explained to me that after every chelation infusion his health trend got a decrease phase followed by an increase phase and it continuously happened, but every time the health goes up a little bit more, that is in few words you get a slow but gradually improvement. He told me that it’s due to the fact that the metals go out from the body and therefore during this transient the symptoms are destined to swing a little bit.

Therefore I decided to start the chelation therapy in January 2008. At that time I was in remission phase. In less then 24 hours from the first infusion, the colitis was switch on again. This sign seems to me being a positive sign, because colitis and metal displacement were in some relationship. The first exam result showed that the expulsion concentration of aluminium was 6 times more than the value which is considered maximum.

Week by week, I kept on being sick. The colitis was always in a medium-high level, but I avoided to get cortisone in order to observe better the progression of the situation without external operations. I’ve simply kept going on with the assumption of the mesalazine, which is a drug that, I repeat, has to be assumed even in the remission period for maintenance.

Nevertheless, I noticed something weird: after every chelation infusion, for a couple of day I felt myself so tired, like when you come back at home after played a football match. I felt my bones a little bit stiffs and keeping my concentration to study was so difficult.

Obviously I was so scared and I contacted Matteo several times, in order to ask him how I could decrease the impact of these relapses and in that moment he told me about the Ultrathione pills, which I’m daily getting.

Initially I got EDTA infusions every two weeks. After every infusion a negative effect lasted a couple of days and the number of my evacuation also increased, but the week after every infusion I felt myself stronger and more concentrated, like I was more rested with more energy and at the same time the colitis had an improvement.

It was exactly what Matteo already explained to me!!! My health trend went down and then up again!

I kept going on until half April, four months. At the seventh infusion I started noticing a big improvement of my symptoms, but not as fast as like under cortisone effect, nether like it happened when I got the chickenpox, I mean when I had a spontaneous remission. Here the situation was different: I got a lightly improvement.

Then for two weeks my situation was at the same level, that is until the following infusion. After that, I got a new sensible improvement and this new condition was stable until the following infusion, and so on.

Basically I clearly felt that, after every infusion, my body had an improvement and the interesting thing was that this improvement was not gradually, I mean day by day, but it was made of steps, after every infusion.

Every improvement was quantified by a decrease of the daily evacuation number and a bigger thickness of the feces. It happened only with a chelation infusion and it lasted until the next one.

It was like, after each infusion, a part of the inflammation was removed and my “crazy” immunitary system became normal a little bit more.

This improvement rate was to much observable and quantifiable that I predicted to be in perfect remission (only one well done evacuation per day) in the middle of June and it was like that!!!

Since that moment no symptoms happen again. I’m in total remission and I’m living an absolutely normal life, as before being sick.

Nevertheless the aluminum level in my last exam is still high, but this, which it could seem a contradiction, in reality, it’s not, it’s a good news.

In fact that value doesn’t measure the aluminum in my body, on the contrary I’m expelling it.
Therefore, the more this value is high, the more I’m getting detoxed. Moreover there is also to keep under attention that the more your body is getting free from toxic metal, the more our bodies improve its degree of auto-detoxifying and therefore the mobility of the same metals increase. Therefore the cases of increasing the heavy metals expulsion rate are not rare, but finally they will abruptly slow down until the end.

In fact what it’s important is that the total level of aluminum in your body decreases and this is verified in my case, in fact in every exam my urine are full of aluminum.

Given that my health now is real good, I decided, according to the doctor, to follow a infusion every three weeks and no more every two, and I’m going on like that until I’ll be completely detoxified.

At this point I’ll get and endoscope examination again to see, if even at the histological level and the macroscopic one, my mucous is came back to the perfection.

Therefore my story is going on, so I’ll keep you informed.

For any explanation or if you would like to ask me something, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll be really glad and if you’d like also to meet me in person in Marche or in Bologna I’m here.

Contact me without any problems!!! 🙂

Yours sincerely,


  • In the summer 1999 I felt the first symptoms: diarrhoea with blood several times per day.
  • The follow year I got the colon exam and I understood I was suffering from Ulcerative Colitis (UC). It’s chronicle pathology, unknown cause, from which at the present it’s not possible to recover.
  • It was February, I was nearly in the acute phase from a lot of months. The doctor gave me the mesalazine pills and above all some cortisone pills (Delta Cortene). The symptoms almost magically disappear the morning after. In few hours I was back like before. After a couple of weeks I suspended the cortisone, while I continued to get indefinitely the mesalazine, as a maintenance therapy.
  • I didn’t feel any symptoms for four years.
  • In the summer of 2005 the symptoms suddenly appeared again and in a few days I was in the acute phase.
  • I got cortisone again with the same dosage, but this time I had lower result.
  • In September I got chickenpox. It was a really bad and serious kind due to the immunosuppressive effect of the cortisone which was still in my body. I stayed so bad, but when I re-establish myself from the chickenpox even the colitis was gone, maybe because I had a so strong change in immunitary system.
  • Nevertheless after a couple of months all was back.
  • I was always more convinced that the “official” medicine didn’t really understand anything.
  • A doctor prescribed me an high dosage of cortisone (this time Medrol) and, in some weeks, it went to remission.
  • In the autumn 2006 the colitis came still back, in a light form. The doctor gave me a cure of cortisone on topical level. It came back to remission, but in January all was back.
  • Therefore I came back from the first specialized doctor, that one who told me “tell people to go screw themselves”. He gave me some immunosuppressive drug (Azatioprina) without submit me any check in order to valuate if my body could tolerate it. After a couple of therapy months, as foreseen, the Azatioprina had effect and I came back to a complete remission.
  • In a few days I felt this buzz even only to the littler movement. It was sufficient raising on my feet that I felt my heart beating in my ears and in my head. I was so worried and I got some blood exams on my behalf. Result: my white cell was definitely killed to the lowest value and even the other pointers were so out of the range.
  • When the family doctor saw the exams he turned pale and ordered me to immediately interrupt such cure with azatioprina, because I had a strong depression of my marrow. I did it and in a few weeks my health condition was quite completely re-established.
  • In the autumn 2007 the colitis came back.
  • Day by day I was always more convinced that on the base of the “wrong” immunity answers, tied to these different diseases, there was a common factor: the mercury.
  • I read that the key point wasn’t as much the assumption of this poison, but rather in the ratio absorption/expulsion.
  • I also read about Glutathione and its importance in order to detox the body.
  • Therefore I decided to submit myself to the hair exam. Result: mercury excess.
  • I fixed an appointment with this doctor and he clearly explained to me the only and real reliable exam in order to check the level of the intoxication from metals. It’s a urine sample after a chelation infusion.
  • In that time I met Matteo in person for the first time. I met a really positive person. He told me his personal story.
  • He explained to me that after every chelation infusion his health trend got a decrease phase followed by an increase phase and it continuously happened, but every time the health goes up a little bit more, that is in few words you get a slow but gradually improvement.
  • Therefore I decided to start the chelation therapy in January 2008. At that time I was in remission phase.
  • In less then 24 hours from the first infusion, the colitis was switch on again. This sign seems to me being a positive sign, because colitis and metal displacement were in some relationship.
  • The first exam result showed that the expulsion concentration of aluminium was 6 times more than the value which is considered maximum.
  • I was so scared and I contacted Matteo several times, in order to ask him how I could decrease the impact of these relapses and in that moment he told me about the Ultrathione pills, which I’m daily getting.
  • It was exactly what Matteo already explained to me!!! My health trend went down and then up again!
  • At the seventh infusion I started noticing a big improvement of my symptoms.
  • Basically I clearly felt that, after every infusion, my body had an improvement and the interesting thing was that this improvement was not gradually, I mean day by day, but it was like a step, after every infusion.
  • This improvement rate was to much observable and quantifiable that I predicted to be in perfect remission (only one well done evacuation per day) in the middle of June and it was like that!!!
  • Since that moment no symptoms happen again. I’m in total remission and I’m living an absolutely normal life, as before being sick.
  • Now my health is real good. I’m going on like that until I’ll be completely detoxified. At this point I’ll get and endoscope exam again to see, if even at the histological level and the macroscopic one, my mucous is came back to the perfection.

14.2 Elena’s story (MCS)

My name is Elena, I’m 59, I live and work in Trieste like employee.

Until October 2005 I lived a normal life, but then, a morning, going into my office, everything changed. I couldn’t tolerate the toner smell no more of the printers and of the photocopiers in my room. I started getting asthma attacks, several disturbs to my throat, to my stomach and to the oesophagus with a closing feeling and a suffocating cough, migraine and other pains. Day by day the situation got worst and I started getting pain to all the smells even the natural smells like plants and flowers.

I started the classic sanitary protocol (some exams which didn’t highlight anything in particular, some specialized visits from a doctor to an other one, allergy tests) but I didn’t find any specialized doctor who was able to tell me the cure, an answer or just to realize my disease, in fact they diagnosed me only paranoia and stress, so they suggested me a psychologist.

Only some research through Internet about toner allergy made me met the acronym, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) and I found out casually the existent of this disease, so I learnt that it’s a kind of progressive intoxication of the body to the chemical components, which can hit several apparatuses and organs of the human body and damages the immunitary system. The body “surrenders” and doesn’t tolerate no more every single trace of substance which is in the environment, like perfume, personal deodorant, hairspray, every face and body cream, cleansers for the personal hygiene, paints, solvents, glues, insecticides, pesticides, disinfectants, detergents, softeners, tobacco smoke, exhaust gas, the smoke from the stoves, chimneys, formaldehyde in the armchairs, tissues and new stuffs, therefore everything is from petrochemical origin and for my home. Coming closer to another person who was to the hairdresser became impossible, who dressed some stuffs which were washed with a common detergents, who smoked and even reading a book or a newspaper gave me a lot of problems.

With this disease I had to radically change my life style. I restricted both my working activity and my social life in order to avoid both “perfumed” people and dangerous places. Unfortunately I had to carry a little mask on my face with active carbon.

I changed my dietary. I started declining the invitations and this carried me to an impoverishment of my social relationships, I had to renounce to social recreational activity, to my hobbies, even going to a restaurant or to a cinema or to a theatre became a problem, my vital space was dramatically reduced. I adjusted my flat making some “shelter” zones. Now no extraneous can come in my home and I can’t go to my friends home any more. My dresses don’t have to contain any synthetic fibre, the bed linens and the sheets of my bed have to be washed with particular detergent, as the dishes, the floors, the bathroom. In my home I abolished every perfume, I can’t iron and I entrust this job to my patient husband, who was always next to me, helping me to pass the difficulties and renouncing to any perfumes.

On my place at work my boss procured me a special environment in order to be able to work and keep my functions. It’s a room treated with materials and bio-architecture rules and with a purified system which works 24 hours per day and it’s able to filter and keep chemical substances in order to give me the possibility to breath purified air. My colleagues give me the papers and then they close the door.

In these years I found out a little well-being going to a mountain and precisely in a delicious town which is called S. Giacomo in Valle Aurina (Alto Adige). The first year, I arrived there, I found out the existence, in Predoi, to a climatic centre in a not-used copper mine, where speleotherapy is practised. In this mine you can breath an air without pollens and allergens. I decide to try and just the first days I was there I found relief and I immediately noticed a big benefit to my breathing apparatus, which was re-generated from this purified air.

In this Calvary I was able to get in touch with people from all over Italy, who were suffering from MCS, between them someone knew Matteo, they told me about his disease, of his health conditions and about the chelation therapy that he was getting in his city and that it gave him surprising results.

The negative answers about the possibility of a cure for the MCS don’t give me any hope, so I decided to get the last effort, and since I needed a special detoxification cures from chemical substances in my body, I was determined to try this therapy in order to expel all the aluminium which, in the meantime, I found out I had. I got in touch with Matteo’s doctor and full of trust (hoping not be betrayed another time from a doctor, who has to be next to the suffering person, supporting him and not leading on, annoying, treating him as mental sick and humiliating him every time he starts speaking of his symptomatology with an attitude which doesn’t respect the person right), I decided to begin this treatment.
At the beginning I was so scared, because it was a medicine and I was scared to run a risk about the negative reaction of my body and from the side effects of this drug, but I didn’t want to give up and I told to myself: “just if it works, just if I’m better”. So I started the administration of a chelating substance (EDTA).

I don’t know exactly what is inside that liquid which flow so slowly in my veins, but the feeling is that after each infusion I’m better, I feel myself nearly re-born. My symptomatology is really improved, I can’t say to be like nothing happened, but my health conditions allow me to get a little social life, come closer with more people (naturally with careful) and I use less the mask. I meet much more people and I can stay in a close room with people who are lighted “contaminated”, but I must avoid people which for me are “dangerous”.
I can dress my dresses again, go inside shops, restaurant and even my feeding is less poor, it became a little richer of food. I have more contact with the extern world, I don’t live protected to everybody, I can do more things compare before, even if not too much, but for me it’s a big conquest, a success.

I’m still too far from the completely detoxification, but now I know the way I must get, I see the future with a lot of optimistic and enthusiasm.

If you want to contact me for more information, even if I’m not an expert, my email is fuleleca@libero.it, but unfortunately I don’t speak English (only Italian), Matteo translated my story for you, so just contact him! matteodallosso@gmail.com

Yours sincerely, Elena.

  • Until October 2005 I lived a normal life, but then, a morning, going into my office, everything changed.
  • Only some research through Internet about toner allergy made me met the acronym, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) and I found out casually the existent of this disease, so I learnt that it’s a kind of progressive intoxication of the body to the chemical components, which can hit several apparatuses and organs of the human body and damages the immunitary system.
  • With this disease I had to radically change my life style.
  • In this Calvary I was able to get in touch with people from all over Italy, who were suffering from MCS, between them someone knew Matteo.
  • I got in touch with Matteo’s doctor and full of trust, I decided to begin this treatment.
  • I don’t know exactly what is inside that liquid which flow so slowly in my veins, but the feeling is that after each infusion I’m better, I feel myself nearly re-born.
  • Now I know the way I must get, I see the future with a lot of optimistic and enthusiasm.