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06. ALUMINIUM (the second discovery)

Back to my story…
I felt I was reborn and I still had to make the most important discovery.
I continued to get detoxification infusions, I continued to get the Ultrathione 500 pills and my life goes on really fast.
Here I would like to report the results of the next infusions:

  • September 14, 2007: the day I got the infusion I got the usual light headache. The day after it was a great day, in the morning I run at office in order not to get late with a fabulous running!
  • October 19, 2007: the day after I got a big headache, 2 days after I was a little bit disoriented, 3 days after I was as good as new.
  • November 16, 2007: (new urine exams): the day after I got this infusion I didn’t get headache, but after 3 days I got it for 3 days. Then I got running problems again and I didn’t understand why. It was clear when I got the exam results: Aluminium 88 mcg/l (maximum reference value 20mcg/l) so high!, Lead 18mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 150mcg/gcreat), Mercury 10mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 35mcg/gcreat)
  • (November 17, 2007: I started again getting Ultrathione 1000)

(I’ve already got 22 infusions)

You understood fine! The aluminium level was so high! I reached the infusion number 19th, and my aluminium level become so high and after the infusion number 22nd the level was even higher until the stars! But how was it possible? Why? Well… The heavy metals “hit” all the body, all the organs, in particular the chewy tissue, therefore even in the brain. In all the body and in all the organs the detoxification, through EDTA molecule, works by contact, that is the blood, which circulates in the body and in the organs, carries the EDTA which ties with heavy metals, which it meets, and it carries them out in the urine. All this is not true for the central nervous system. Here in fact the detoxification can’t work by contact but rather it works for diffusion, therefore it’s a slowlier process (later I’ll explain it better). And this intoxication “hit” my brain and therefore I had to remove it. I’d like to let you notice that if I didn’t get the differential urine exam I would never found it and I let you also notice that during the detoxication and after 10 infusions the intoxication level in an average intoxicated man is nearly disappeared. It’s a really anomalous condition that a metal gets higher in this manner. Maybe you wonder if people with zero aluminium level exists at the first infusion, the answer is yes. It was me to be intoxicated. I still had to go on. Go on with the infusions:

  • December 6, 2007: I didn’t feel any pain.
  • (December 17, 2007: I got again CellFood)
  • December 21, 2007: ditto, I didn’t feel any pain, rather now I’m ready to go to Portugal.
  • January 25, 2008 (with urine exams): Aluminium 48 mcg/l (maximum reference value 20mcg/l) it’s decreased again! Lead 15,3mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 150mcg/gcreat ), Mercury 8mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 35mcg/gcreat )
  • (January 26, 2008: I stopped getting CellFood and I get again two Ultrathione 500 pills)
  • February 8, 2008: all right.
  • (February 11, 2008: I started getting CellFood again)
  • February 22, 2008: all right.

(I’ve already got 27 infusions)

The aluminium level trend is decreasing and we could expect that going on with few infusions its value will be zero. Instead it was not like that and I was finding out an ulterior rise.

  • March 6, 2008 (with urine exams): all right. Aluminium 106 mcg/l (maximum reference value 20mcg/l) the highest value I’ve ever seen! Lead 3,7mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 150mcg/gcreat), Mercury 10mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 35mcg/gcreat).

How is it possible such high level?

The diffusion detoxication was able to reach the depth.

6.1. Different phases of detoxification

My detoxification had two different phases, which are connected each other.

  1. The first phase happens for direct contact between the EDTA, which is carried from the blood, and my body in particular organs, tissues, first detoxification phase.
  2. The second phase happens for diffusion. EDTA, like all the chelating agents, doesn’t cross the hematoencephalic barrier, so trough the blood, EDTA can’t directly go inside the brain, in order to tie with the toxic metals. Therefore, after a certain number of infusions, the metals go out for diffusion, that is a movement from tissues where the metals are more present, to the tissues already cleaned, second detoxification phase.

These two phases alternate each other. When the level of the heavy metals in the body (excluding the brain) is relatively low, the metals in the brain move for diffusion from inside the brain (the concentration is bigger), to outside, in order to keep the distribution uniform in all the body. Therefore, when the metals are outside of the brain, the metals are tied for contact and so on, the process is repeated more times until getting a uniform and negligible concentration, even if it’s not null.

I’d like to let you notice that during the repeating of these phases I had no more physical problem.

What it happens is exemplified by this diagram, I hope it’s not too much engineeristic. 🙂

Chalation phases

  • My detoxification has had two different phases, which are connected each other.
  1. The first phase happens for direct contact between the EDTA, which is carried from the blood, and my body in particular organs, tissues, first detoxification phase.
  2. The second phase happens for diffusion. EDTA, like all the chelating agents, doesn’t cross the hematoencephalic barrier, so trough the blood, EDTA can’t directly go inside the brain, in order to tie with the toxic metals. Therefore, after a certain number of infusions, the metals go out for diffusion, that is a movement from tissues where the metals are more present, to the tissues already cleaned, second detoxification phase.

Let’s go on…

  • April 11, 2008: All right.
  • April 24, 2008: All right.
  • May 9, 2008 (with urine exams): Aluminium 70 mcg/l (maximum reference value 20mcg/l), Lead NO MORE DETECTABLE (maximum reference value 150mcg/gcreat ), Mercury 2 mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 35mcg/gcreat ). All right.

The Lead is no more detectable and the Aluminium is decreasing!

  • May 22, 2008 (with urine exams): Aluminium 48 mcg/l (maximum reference value 20mcg/l), Lead 3.03 mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 150mcg/gcreat ), Mercury 2 mcg/gcreat (maximum reference value 35mcg/gcreat ). All right.

(I’ve already got 32 infusions)

The Aluminium level is resetting to zero and I feel so fine!

  • At the 22nd infusion the aluminium level is increased again until the stairs. This is explainable because the aluminium in the brain is expeled for diffusion and therefore it’s a slower process.
  • I continued getting Ultrathione 500 in order not to intoxicate me again.
  • Only throught the differential urine exam has been possible to detect these intoxication values.
  • At the 25th infusion the aluminium level decreased again.
  • At the 28th infusion the aluminium level stored the maximum level that my organism have ever had.
  • The detoxification process of my body has had 2 phases:
  1. First level detoxification: by contact.
  2. Second level detoxitication:by diffusion.
  • Aluminium is gradually decreasing, the Lead is almost no more detectable, the Mercury is almost null. I’m in perfect fit.

I report the urine exams. Notice the aluminium level.

First exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Second exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Third exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Fourth exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Fifth exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Sixth exam: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Seventh exams: (To enlarge this image click on it)

Eighth exams: (To enlarge this image click on it)

6.2. The liver: the central organ for detoxification.

All the toxic substances that a person ingests or inhales pass through the liver, which is the central organ for the detoxification. In fact the liver splits the toxic molecules and it removes them through the I and II detoxification phases. During the first phase (phase I), apposite enzymes split the toxic substances under intermediate molecules which can be already removed or can be submitted them to the detoxification phase (phase II). It consists in an ulterior breaking down of all the toxic substances which will tie to specific molecules for their removal through the kidneys or the bile (conjugation).

In the phase II of detoxification, a key function is played by Glutathione, which is produced from all the human cells (in particular liver and muscle) and it physiologically begins to decrease after 40 years old. The exposition to a big amount of toxic substances (drugs and toxic in primis) let the Glutathione spare sold out, so like an inborn deficit in its production, exaggerate physical activities and abuse of alcohol.

People, who have the detoxification phases insufficient, have an accumulate of toxic substances in the blood and in the tissues.

In USA is available a test which studies the detoxification function of the liver, phase I and II (Genova Lab), while in Europe only a measurement of the transaminase hepatics (GOT; GPT) which indicates only the necrosis cell grade which spills its own enzymatic contents in the blood.

Asymptomatic people, who apparently are in good health conditions with transaminase under the normal limits, can be showed a big range of hepatic detoxification deficits with symptoms like headache, bones pathology, concentration lack, kidney problems, reduced energy, immunoendocrin problems.

  • I report in this graph the aluminium trend, which was detected in my body.
    The values, which are really measured, are highlighted in red. The trend is qualitative even if it’s really realistic.

(click on this image to enlarge it)
Aluminium trend in my body

6.3 Aluminium

Between all the elements, aluminium is the third one most diffuse on earth without developing any vital function for man. In nature it’s not in a free state, but only under a kind of Bauxite mineral composed.
Aluminium penetrates in insidious way in our body through food, water, the pollution and it deposits itself inner organs and tissues (above all the brain, bones and kidneys) where it performs its dangerous effect.
The most contaminate sources are: aluminium pans, drinks contained in aluminium can, milk and fruit juice preserved in Tetrapack covered by aluminium, coffee, biscuits, chocolate tablets preserved in Aluminium, food in aluminium pans (tuna fish, pulses, tomato), food adds, whiten for flour, tea plant, antiacid, medicine in blister, hygiene and cosmetics products as: deodorants, lipsticks, blusher, some toothpaste tubes.

It has already calculated that a person ingests about 20 mg of aluminium per day through food and water, while free sold medicines, which are usually used like cetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and anti-acid, contain big aluminium quantity. The Aspirin contains Aluminium hydrossid and glycinate as ingredients. Two pills of antiacid can contain until 500 mg of aluminium.

Aluminium is also used as ingredient in a lot of vaccines. The injected aluminium quantity in a single vaccine dose can even reach 250 times the reference value. Having to submit a period vaccine sections to kids, these doses are gave more times with dangerous side effect risks.

The health world organization has recognized that toxic metals are a possible cause in 60-70% of all mortal diseases in industrial countries!

The aluminium cerebral toxicity is known since the past century and the scientific research has proved the constant presence of high value in Parkinson, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia diseases. The cerebral neurons of patients with Parkinson, Lou Gehrig can contain until 30 times the normal Aluminium concentrations.

Right quantity of Calcium and Magnesium seems to decrease the aluminium absorption by digest apparatus, while low B12 vitamin level and Folic Acid can determine an increase of Homocistein amino acid, which can damage the nervous cells.

Already in the 1958 an English doctor wrote a booked called “Aluminium utensils and diseases” in which he alarmed the scientific community from possible risks connected to the Aluminium intoxication in food field.

The aluminium cerebral toxicity (neurotoxicity) is due to the damaging capacity and therefore to across the hematoencephalic barrier, which protects the brain forbidding to the possible toxic substances to go through, with aluminium deposition in some encephalon area.

The aluminium makes the damage interfering the synthesis and the liberation of the cerebral neurotransmitters like dopamina, acetilcoina, colina with presence of symptoms such as: word articulation, orientation lack, personality variation, epilepsy, vision end ear canal hallucinations, memory and learning problems.

More over interfering with the released of some neurotransmitters which are delegated to the movement, the intoxication from aluminium can cause symptoms like motor coordination lack, dizziness, tremors.

The experimental administration of little aluminium dose in animal experiments cause in the cerebral cells the same type of degeneration in the Alzheimer disease characterized by dementia, orientation lack, depression.

It seems that the assumption of Calcium and Magnesium is against the absorption of aluminium, while the iron lack favours the absorption, because iron and aluminium share the same transport system.

The symptomatology from an intoxication changes depending on patient and it’s correlated with the exposition and above all on the single person detoxification capability.

More over the aluminium interfered with a lot of neurotransmitters causing memory and intellectual deficit as proved from a study on soldering aluminium worker in a shipyard.

More over the aluminium has an action, which is antagonist to the Calcium, limiting its absorption and favouring weak bone process.

Aluminium can also cause at digestive system diverse disease symptoms, as:

  • Frequent ulcer at the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips;
  • Esophageal spasm;
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Functional variation at large intestine at alternative periods with diarrhea and constipation;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Haemorrhoids and itch in anal zone.

Patients with kidney disease are regularly submitted to dialysis and therefore aluminium, which is contained in a big quantity in the drugs for these therapies, can develop a kind of progressive dementia called encephalopatia, language and behaviour disorders.

A recently published study, on the prestigious journal Lancet, reports an increase of 50% of the risks to get Alzheimer disease for the population who live in zone with high aluminium concentration in water.

In the Guam island a lot of people were hit from Amiotrofic Lateral Sclerosis (characterized from e motor and neurological disorders).

Aluminium can across the placental barrier and moreover it contaminates the artificial milk causing a mental retardation and learning difficulties in kids.

  • Between all elements, aluminium is the third one most diffuse on earth without developing any vital function for man.
  • Aluminium penetrates in insidious way in our body throught food, water, the pollution and it deposits itself inner organs and tissues (above all the brain, bone and kidney) where it performs its dangerous action.
  • The health world organization has ricognized that toxic metals are a possible cause in 60-70% of all mortal deseases in industrial countries!
  • The aluminium cerebral toxicity is known since the past century and the scientific research has proved the costant presence of high value in Parkinson, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia deseases.
  • The aluminium cerebral toxicity (neurotoxicity) is due to the damaging capacity and therefore to accross the hematoencephalic barrier, which protects the brain forbidding to the possible toxic substances to go throught, with aluminium deposition in some encephalon area.